Where I'm living black bears are quite commonly seen around town. While I have yet to hear of a really bad bear encounter many bears are destroyed every year for getting too familiar with town. Most people here merely avoid them when they see them. Alternatively, aggressive responses to threatening bear encounters include firearms and pepper spray. While obtaining a firearm requires getting a firearms license and many restrictions, getting bear spray is as simple as purchasing some from Canadian Tire.
So what is bear pepper spray and does
it work?
The active ingredient in bear pepper
spray is the same compound that makes some peppers spicy. This spicy
compound is caspaicin. Bear spray is also known as capsicum deterrent
since capsicum is the genus of plants that includes caspaicin
containing peppers.
Capsicum plants have evolved production
of caspaicin in order to deter mammals from consuming the fruit of
the plant. When consumed capsaicin produces a strong burning
sensation in the mouth. This burning sensation is experienced by most
other mammals, and is real, at least according to your brain.
Capsacin binds a cellular receptor that is also activated by
temperatures exceeding 43 degrees Celcius. The receptor, transient
receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1
(TRPV1), is responsible for communicating pain and has a role in
temperature regulation. Evolutionary pressure has caused capsicum
plants to produce capsaicin to reduce their consumption by mammals. Exposing seeds to the mammalian
gut prevents capsicum seeds from germinating. Bird TRPV1 receptors do not
respond to capsaicin and therefore capsicum plants and seeds are
readily consumed by birds. The avian digestive system doesn't not
destroy the ability of the seeds to germinate and therefore birds
contribute to capsicum seed dispersal.
So if this is the same compound found in hot
peppers and salsa are we not just
giving the bear a bit of a spicy snack? The difference between tasty
and bear repellent is concentration. Spicyness or capsaicin
concentration is usually quantified by an antiquated unit of
measurement called the Scoville unit. The Scoville Unit tries to be
objective but ultimately relies on 5 tasters determining the dilution
factor that produces a solution with no caspasin taste. So for some
spicy perspective, while an average jalapeño pepper has about 3500
to 8000 Scoville units, bear pepper spray has about 3.3 million
Scoville units.
So spraying a bear with 3.3 MScoville
Units causes the animal spicy pain, but does it actually work? In other words,
in the real world are there statistics to show that being armed with
a canister of pressurized capsaicin reduces harm to you and/or the
bear? An article from 2008 reports that in 20 years worth of bear encounters reported in Alaska, bear spray was effective in reducing the severity of the encounter 92% of the time, while firearms were only 67% effective. This is the kind of evidence, almost convincing enough, to justify taking my gun rack off my mountain bike.
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