Monday, September 08, 2008

LHC's first beam on Wednesday...

If you're reading the bayblab you're probably as excited as us about the LHC getting switched on this week (and maybe you have that tune in your head). Well the good news is that you'll be able to watch it live in a webcast. And in the odd chance that the doomsday sayers were right, you'll have front seats to the apocalypse. For folks in Ottawa the show should be on at 3:00 AM on Wed. For others check here.


Unknown said...

I don't mind to admit that I had that LHC rap song stuck in my head for most of the day today.

Couldn't get the video feed up, but the BBC world service was running an audio feed, so I didn't miss out.

Anonymous said...

"Do my bosons give you a hadron?"