I have come to the realization a while ago that while my vote is important, how I vote with my money has more impact on how the world works. Money makes the world go around. I therefore try to buy products with less environmental impact. This is not always easy. I admit that I just look around for green coloured packaging, then quickly look for some key words, if they are there the product is in my grocery cart.
I have noticed that there are way too many eco-labels, making comparison between different environmentally conscious products difficult. [Unfortunately it doesn't occur that often that there is a selection of different brands making claims of environmental responsibility for the same product. Usually a particular store will stock only one environmental responsibility marketed product for a particular item.] There are so many eco-labels, in fact, that there is a searchable database of eco-labels here, and a list of all the north american eco-labels here. I guess getting into the certification racket is a good business or something. There are some pretty obscure and small time certification labels. Why does something have to just be salmon safe, for example? Shouldn't products just be environmentally responsible in general?
In any case, I have found that one of the most ubiquitious and apparently respected North American eco-label is EcoLogo, which is celebrating it's 20th year in 2008. It was started by the Candian Federal Government in 1988. Look for it.
I think you mean 1988
Thx. Corrected.
Wow... that's a crazy-long list of North American eco-labels! I'd have to agree that EcoLogo is definitely a good choice (and well respected amongst its peers).
The certification body for EcoLogo is right here in Ottawa and they have a great write-up about The Six Sins of Greenwashing (i.e. what to watch out for when trying to buy products with less/low environmental impact)
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