Friday, September 03, 2010

Next time you talk about a piss-warm beer...

Scicurious has a post up about - quite literally - piss beer. It describes a situation where yeast infections cause the fermentation of bodily fluids:
The second patient had “turbid” urine (that’s cloudy), and they suspected yeast, especially when they opened the bag of urine, and smelled BEER. Apparently this was so odd that the urine sample passed to every doctor in the room and down the hall. I can just picture a group of people in white coats, all gathered around with a cup of suspiciously yellow liquid, sniffing and saying “HEY GUYS! You gotta smell this!!!” Apparently the poor patient was so yeasty that her breath, and literally everything about her smelled like beer, and alcohol could actually be detected as a byproduct of the yeast.
(cue comparisons to your least favourite brew) I guess this is a bit of a different take on the human decanter.


Anonymous Coward said...

I wonder how she would score on a breathalyzer...