Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Bayblab podcast episode 1

You can download or stream the first episode of bayblab podcast here until i setup a proper rss feed for you ipod lovers...


Anonymous Coward said...

our podcast is already critically acclaimed. check out the fan mail:

"I want to laugh.. but its a laughter of boredom !"

"homologous recombination? WTF does that mean and it's so boring!"

"I thought I could never find a more boring thing than bayblab and you had to make a podcast? Next thing you know north Korea will detonate a nuclear device... End of the world stuff just cause binders wants to meet someone on the net."

Anonymous Coward said...

Someone (other than me), needs to write a review for the podcast (just click at the bottom). Only 4% of people who checked out that page downloaded the podcast...