This photo of the Governator in 'research mode' is just begging for a witty caption, so have at it! After an inderminate amount of time, the funniest one will be chosen arbitrarily and the author showered with praise (sorry, our prize budget doesn't allow for much more than that).

Just to get things going, here's my entry: "It's not a too-mah."
Grow you little girly-cell!
If it bleeds, we can kill it... by inducing vascular shutdown.
FASTA la vista, Genbank!
Eeet's not a TUUMAH!
Microscopic organisms, remember when I said I'd kill you last?... I lied.
Oooops. Guess I should come up with a new one...
Hasta la vista, bayblab. I can has my OWN Science!
Ahh, yes, I see it. So that's what's left of the state budget.
(a joke from a California resident)
"I need your clones, your tips and your microscope."
"Clone with me if you want to live"
Your muscles are so puny! Here I am trying to find them with this microscope.
Microinject first, ask questions latah!
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