- Chocolate is anti-neurodegenerative, the flavonoids protect from amyloid beta-induced apoptosis.
- Sex pheromones given off by males can make the brains of female mice grow.
Blood pressure:
- Chocolate improves your aterial blood pressure a new study finds. Especially dark, non-fat non-sweet chocolate. However if you are a fan of the greasy sweet stuff, it's not all bad news either since obese people tend to recover better after a heart attack.
- Sex on the other hand is a good exercise and as such is good for your vascular health. However if you already have low blood pressure problems and you are a male you probably can't do it anyways.... In fact if you are hypertensive you may experience cephalgia and syncope, so now we know where the headache excuse comes from, it's a consequence rather than a cause....
Toxicity to pets:
- Chocolate is toxic to parrots.
- I'm not so sure about sex with you parrots. But at least between them it is safe.
- Chocolate tastes good, apparently even more so to woman.
- Sex feels good.
- "A 100 gram strip of chocolate will give you about 500 calories of energy, 8 grams of protein, 60 grams of carbohydrate, 30 grams of fat, and small amounts of calcium and iron. But the possible health benefits come from the polyphenols in chocolate, especially the largest group, called flavonoids."
- sex: I'll spare you that one.
So here you go folks, a scientific proof that a hummer and a sandwich beats a parrot and a chocolate bar any day of the week.
Why the choice? Why not both?
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