Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dry ice bomb

We have all put some dry ice in a falcon tube and tossed it as a grenade to Rob before. Turns out you can go to prison for it... Also some (lame) jet propulsion experiments with dry ice. We can do better... and pics of a guy who had one of these bombs blow in his face and thumb.


Rob said...

It's all fun and games until someone has an eppendorf sticking out of their eye.

Anonymous Coward said...

Would it work for fishing?

viagra online said...

obviously playing with ice could be very dangerous! I thik it is a good idea that there are regulations!

buy kamagra said...

This a nice experiment, and I saw some other kind of ice and even fire, for example the methan gas and the blue fire, the blue fire supostly frezze the things.
Thanks, nice post.

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