I occasionally get reading recommendations from an online book retailer. Their state-of-the-art matching algorithm sometimes turns me on to books and authors I might not otherwise read. Their supercomputers must have had a glitch this weekend, when they actually sent me the following suggestion, likely from
Rob's reading list:
"Camp Princess 2: Unicorns? Get Real!
When rumors of wild unicorns come to Camp Princess, there's a frenzy of excitement as the royal maidens prepare for the Unicorn Round-Up. But Princess Gundersnap has more important things to worry about. Her war-inclined mother has taken her beloved pony, Menschmik, into battle, and Gundersnap fears for his life. Besides, Gundersnap is much too practical to believe in unicorns.
Or is she? Both the magical tapestry in the tower and her favorite local witch, Berwynna, seem to be trying to tell Gundersnap something. Could the Unicorn Round-Up be more than just a bunch of royal hooey?"
The book is set to go on sale tomorrow, so I'd better finish off Camp Princess 1 before my preorder arrives.
Yay 500th post, and it's about unicorns...
finally someone is giving unicorns the attention they deserve.
Where can I get this book?
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