Monday, January 14, 2008

Top 100 stupid christian quotes

Not sure if I should laugh or cry. These quotes were taken from forum posts. Obviously I don't want to disparage Christians, there are stupid people in every faith (or non-faith). But most of them relate to science, such as this one:

"Everyone knows scientists insist on using complex terminology to make it harder for True Christians to refute their claims.

Deoxyribonucleic Acid, for example... sounds impressive, right? But have you ever seen what happens if you put something in acid? It dissolves! If we had all this acid in our cells, we'd all dissolve! So much for the Theory of Evolution, Check MATE!"


The Doc said...

I don't know if this is actually written by Christians. Are they actually that dumb?

Bayman said...

Evolution says that we started out simple, and over time became more complex. That just isn't possible: UNLESS there is a giant outside source of energy supplying the Earth with huge amounts of energy. If there were such a source, scientists would certainly know about it.

LOL. Maybe we'll find it someday...

On another note, has anyone ever wondered what that orange thing is that moves across the sky every day?

Bayman said...

I don't think it's a Christian thing per se. There's a lot of dumb/funny stuff to be found out there. Check out the flat earthers...

The Key Question said...

Looks more hate-filled and disturbing than stupid.

The Doc said...

I guess I'm just questioning if anyone was smart enough to know what DNA stood for, but then stupid enough to think that all acids are corrosive to the point of being life-destroying.

It just strikes me that a comment like that seems to have some rudimentary brains behind it, which makes me suspicious that they really are not as stupid as they are trying to sound.

Kamel said...

I made a similar comment when discussing this post in real life. The DNA quote sounds almost like something I'd say as a joke, or to take the piss out of someone.

I haven't read the rest of them, but that one at least seems to have almost Colbert-like statire to it. Or at least I can imagine it being delivered that way.

Anonymous Coward said...

Maybe we should have a "character" on the podcast delivering lines like that...

Anonymous said...

I happen to be a Christian grad student, and can assure you that NONE of my Christian friends think DNA is corrosive! These quotes look fabricated to me, although "Christian" is such a broad term that you can find all types of people using it.

Anonymous said...

Christ rocks! Hopefully one day you shall releize this, you naive grad.

Anonymous said...

Ok guys, these quotes are familiar to me, there is a guy on youtube who plays the role of a Christian (EdwardCurrent) when infact his videos are "Satire" he is a Atheist he quotes the actions of Chritians who try defend there primitive desert scribblings with rubbish. So these quotes are fake, however nothing short of the truth.

Xian said...

hahahaha thats funny.

Lizzibelle said...

The one about DNA is taken directly from an EdwardCurrent YouTube satire.

(Meaning a real Christian didn't say it)

Anonymous said...

The guy you got that quote from is on youtube; for future reference, his videos are actually jokes.

joewhoever said...

LOL. Abrupt ending to a funny thread! I'm a Christian Physicist. If I lived in contradiction, something would have to be jettisoned.

Don't gamble with eternity

Anonymous said...

I have heard unintentionally stupid comments by lots of people, but not all of them want to impose their stupidity on others like religious people do. A Christian woman I know said, when I asked her to explain the existence of dinosaur bones of the Earth is only 7,000 years old, that dinosaur bones are the bones of demons planted by satan to confuse humans and make them question the existence of the judeo-christian deity. Right. That seems COMPLETELY plausible to me. Think I will run out and become a f-ing Christian. Anyone who believes the Bible literally is either stupid or unable to cope with reality or trying to hit stupid people up for a donation to their church.

Anonymous said...

OK, Dr. Roy, explain the existence of dinosaur bones carbon-dated much older than any human fossils, if the Earth is only 7,000 years old. Unless you are only a Christian by metaphor, you are absolutely living in contradiction if you can call yourself both a scientist and a Christian. OK, were the dinosaur bones planted by Satan? What is your explanation? If you do not believe Christianity literally, are you even a Christian?

Anonymous said...

christians are very VERY wierd
(coocoo)(no offense)

Anonymous said...

Christianity: a virgin cheats on joseph, tells hims it's god, kid grows up delusional, becomes a zombie who apparenty loves everyone.

Do Christians think everybody is stupid?

Anonymous said...

Roy never said he was a young earth creationist did he? It's possible, sure, but he certainly deserves the benefit of the doubt. But then again, he did use Pascal's wager as if being a physicist would make that old gem any more plausible. Roy- You are "gambling on eternity" as much as anyone is. You've laid down your money on the myth that you are most comfortable (familiar?)with, while "gambling" that the muslims or jews or hindus are not correct. I, on the other hand, have gone with the gambit that all religions are equally lacking sufficient justification to waste my only life on. Don't pretend there is a "safe" bet in this game of unknowables.

Anonymous said...

the link doesn't seem to work.

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