Unfortunately I can't blame my bad hair on genetics but some can. Uncombable hair syndrome is a real condition that I came across on boingboing. Apparently it is due to a triangular shaped hair shaft (see electron microscopy

Personally I think it looks awesome.
unfortunately it seems to be associated with mild mental retardation. I could not find what the gene region was on OMIM , but it did have this funny observation: " [The] unusually fine, frizzy, almost white hair did not tolerate combing; brushing her hair resulted in a 'kind of aureole' with a 'strange effect.' Examination over several months confirmed that her hair never varied in length."
I think Doc from Back to the Future has this...
Lol He is proper cute! Bless you and have a great christmas!
God Bless Her. She's Looking Sooo Cute. :)
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I believe one and all must look at it.
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